V2V Lending Library

Please Review Our

Rules & Regulations

Prior To Subscribing

Rules & Regulations for the V2V Lending Library *

*This form must be read and submitted prior to subscribing to the V2V Lending Library.

The V2V Carrier Lending Library was created as a compliment to the “Babywearing from the Valley to Vancouver” Facebook group as a means for people to borrow and try various baby carriers. 

The library is supported through donations, and the membership fees collected to grow the library, purchase additional carriers and maintain the current library.

We currently have one location in SE Vancouver, which is near 49th & Boundary on the Burnaby/Vancouver border. This location is transit accessible via three main bus lines and has plenty of free street parking.

Membership and fees:

-Any person who is within the Valley to Vancouver area who is also a member of the ‘Babywearing from the Valley to Vancouver’ facebook group is open to joining the group

-The monthly membership fee is $15.00 CAD (monthly lending periods are 4/5 weeks long)

-The yearly membership fee is $150.00 CAD

-You can cancel at any time.

-Monthly membership fees are non-refundable

-If you choose to cancel your yearly subsctiption, we will refund you for the amount of months remaining in your membership at the rate of $12.50 CAD/month

Pick up and drop offs:

-You must be able to pick up and drop off on the specified dates. No exceptions.

-It will be the borrower's responsibility to return the carrier directly to admin or to arrange with other borrowers to return together.

-The borrower may also utilise a courier to return the carrier, at the borrower’s expense and risk.

Pick up and drop off - Late fees:

-Extensions can be requested for the monthly fee of $15/month

2024 Lending Periods:

Feb 10 - Mar 9 | 12-1pm

Mar 9 - Apr 6 | 12-1pm

Apr 6 - May 4 | 12-1pm

May 4 - Jun 1 | 12-1pm

Jun 1 - Jun 29 | 12-1pm

Jun 29 - Jul 27 | 12-1pm

Jul 27 - Aug 24 | 12-1pm

Aug 24 - Sept 21 | 12-1pm

Sept 21 - Oct 19 | 12-1pm

Oct 19 - Nov 16 | 12-1pm

Nov 16 - Dec 14 - | 12-1pm

Dec 14, 2024 - Jan 11, 2025 | 12-1pm

Jan 11 - Feb 8, 2025 | 12-1pm

Lost or damaged carriers:

- Our admins carefully check each carrier, however, it is your responsibility to check carriers upon pickup. If there is damage (broken threads, holes, stains, rips etc) you must report it before walking away with the carrier.

- Lost carriers are subject to full replacement value

-Damaged carriers (broken threads, holes, stains, rips etc) will be assessed by admins with the consultation of other admins. An attempt to find the most reasonable solution will be made.

-Borrower will be responsible for washing, dying, alterations or full replacement value. A discussion will occur to determine the best approach.

-A reasonable time frame will be set for the amount to be paid in full to the library.

Failure to return:

If the carriers are not returned you will be invoiced and charged immediately for the replacement value of the carriers as listed in the lending library carrier list.

How to borrow:

-All carrier requests are currently done through the V2V Lending Library Facebook group.

-You will receive access to the V2V Lending Library Facebook group once you pay your membership fee.

-Look through the Vancouver Carriers document to select the carriers you are interested in borrowing.

-Admin will create a post a week or more prior to upcoming pickup/ drop off date

-Post your request to borrow in the comment section within the event.

-Carriers will be offered on a first comment basis. This comment will reserve the requested carrier for the selected pick up date.

-If you are unable to pick up, please notify ahead of time so that this carrier may be made available for others interested.

-It is the borrower’s responsibility to return the carrier to the admin on drop off day. 

-It is the borrower’s responsibility to remain in contact with the admin to arrange pick/ drop off. Borrowers can arrange with other borrowers to return together or utilise a courier to return the carrier, at their expense and risk.

-Pick up/ drop off will be made directly to the LL admin responsible: Karla Castro

-Ensure you ask about the replacement value, and washing instructions. (the value of each carrier is noted in the albums and carrier list)

-Please disclose if you have pets, and smokers in your home.

-An admin can refuse to lend out a carrier or request the immediate return of a carrier at any time.

Carrier List:

Here is a list of all the carriers we currently have:

Current Carrier List

Wait List:

We do not offer a wait list

Washing instructions:

*Please check with an admin prior to washing.

-If you feel that you have dirtied the carrier beyond normal use, contact an admin.

-All carriers will go through a quarantine and wash after each 4 week lending period

-If you note any stains or damage not disclosed by an admin, please contact them immediately to notify them.

-Carriers returned with obvious stains, smells and dirt marks beyond normal use will be subject to a $10 laundering fee.

General Do’s and Don’ts:


- try new carries

- make a wrap hammock

-snuggle your baby close to you


-Don’t smoke while wearing baby or use the borrowed carrier where other people may be smoking

- Don’t let pets on the borrowed carrier or use it to carry your pets. They have claws and teeth, which can cause pulls or broken threads. Wraps are cuddly blankets which pets don’t know how to differentiate between, please keep your animals from nesting in the wraps. Of course if you have pets it’s understood that a few hairs may catch a ride.

-Please avoid heavy fragrances. Sometimes these are difficult to get rid of with washing and some people are quite sensitive. Please disclose this prior to lending.

-Borrowed wraps should not be used as- highchair belts, picnic blankets, towels, or bibs. Try to limit the amount of food that may land on the wrap.

-Return the carrier in the same condition you borrowed or you may be required to pay the replacement value.


-All borrowers are utilising carriers at their own risk. The admins accept no responsibility for any injury or illness due to the borrowers’ own negligence or the negligence of others which the borrower may incur in the wearing of the carriers.  If done properly, babywearing is a safe way to connect with your baby.

-Borrowers are expected to safely use the carriers based on each manufacturer's directions/instructions/recommendations.

-Where applicable, links to instructions for each are included in the albums (refer to your lending site's album). If you are borrowing a carrier that you are unfamiliar with, review the instructions prior to wearing & if necessary, consult with your lending library admin.

-All carriers have been laundered and are stowed in containers until pick up day. Upon return they will get laundered again and go through quarantine once more. Our highest priority is the safety of our families and yours.

-No member will have any of the admins blocked. If you block an admin, you will be removed immediately from the group.

Contacting Admins:

If you have any questions or concerns, please PM Karla Castro. If your PM has not been answered after a few days, you can post on the wall, tag us & we will PM you back. Sometimes PM’s are hidden and as we are volunteers with many other responsibilities, we are not always active on our social media accounts. Please do not use e-mail for general inquiries or communication as it may get missed.

* Membership fee and rules subject to change.

**Any breach of these rules or regulations will result in a member being removed permanently from the group.

***An Admin can request an immediate return of a carrier at any time.

**** Group members who block admins will be removed immediately

Thank you!

Your admin team,

Emm Argot

Karla Castro

By submitting this form you acknowledge that you have read this document in its entirety and agree to these terms and conditions.

Upon submission you will be redirected to our check-out page to pay your membership fee.

I agree to these terms and conditions provided by the V2V Lending Library.

Copyrights 2024 | We Love Babywearing™ | Terms & Conditions